

【アニメで学ぶ英語】Peppa Pig Mr Dinosaur is Lost編 ep1-2

 2. Mr Dinosaur is Lost



Narrator: George's favourite toy is Mr Dinosaur.

George: Dinosaur.

Narrator: George loves Mr Dinosaur.

George: Grr.

Narrator: Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr Dinosaur.

George: Grr.

Peppa Pig: Eeek! Too scary.

Narrator: At suppertime, Mr Dinosaur sits next to George.


Mummy Pig: I beg your pardon.

Mummy Pig: Was that you George, or was it Mr Dinosaur?

George: Dinosaur. 

suppertime  夕食時 

I beg your pardon? いま何ておっしゃいましたか?

わからないことを、聞き返す時にpardon? といった形で良く使われる。


Narrator: At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr Dinosaur.

George: Grr.

Mummy Pig: Good night, Peppa.

Peppa Pig: Good night, Mummy.

Mummy Pig: Good night, George.

Mummy Pig: And good night, Mr Dinosaur.

George: Grr.

Narrator: When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.


 share A wiht B  AとBを分かち合う

tuck up  子供をベットに寝心地よくくるむこと


Narrator: George's favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air...

George: Whee!

Narrator: ...and catching him when he falls back down.

George: Whee!

Narrator: Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.

Peppa Pig: I win, Daddy.

Daddy Pig: Oh. Well done, Peppa.

George: Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaa.

Daddy Pig: George?

George: Whaaaaaaaaa.

Mummy Pig: George, what's the matter?

George: Dinosaur.

Daddy Pig: George, have you lost Mr Dinosaur?

Narrator: George has lost Mr Dinosaur.

 draughts チェッカー 相手の駒を取り合うゲーム。赤・黒12個ずつの丸い駒と、縦横8マスのチェスボードを用いる


Mummy Pig: Don't worry George. We'll find Mr Dinosaur.

Daddy Pig: It's a job for a detective.

Peppa Pig: Daddy, what is a detective?

Daddy Pig: A detective is a very important person who is good at finding things.

Peppa Pig: Me! Me! I'm good at finding things.

Daddy Pig: All right. Peppa is the detective.

Peppa Pig: George. I am the detective. I will help you find Mr Dinosaur.

 detective  探偵

will  助動詞 〜するという意思を示している 。



We'll make it in time. 間に合うよ、きっと。

I'll give you a ride. (僕の車に)乗せてあげるよ。


Mummy Pig: Maybe the detective should ask George some simple questions.

Peppa Pig: George? Where's Mr Dinosaur?

George: Whaaaaaaaaaa.

Narrator: George does not know where Mr Dinosaur is.

Daddy Pig: The detective could try and guess where Mr Dinosaur might be.

Peppa Pig: I know. I know where he is.





could の全体的なイメージは潜在。そこから、~できる(仮定の能力)、〜かもしれない(可能性)、〜しても良い(許可)、〜できますか?(依頼)、〜したらどうですか(提案)が出てくる。


 We could postpone the meeting until next Monday.



 Could you say that again?

もう一度言ってもらえませんか? (依頼)


Finishing the work could take a whole week.



過去のcould は時制を一致させる時に使う

I thought I could finish the job by noon.


過去に一度きり〜できたと言いたい時は、was/were able toを使う


Peppa Pig: George always has Mr Dinosaur with him in the bath.

Peppa Pig: So Mr Dinosaur is in the bath.

Narrator: Mr Dinosaur is not in the bath.

Peppa Pig: Oh. I know. I know where Mr Dinosaur is.

Peppa Pig: George always has Mr Dinosaur in his bed at night.

Peppa Pig: So that's where he is.

Narrator: Mr Dinosaur is not in George's bed.

Peppa Pig: Oh.

Mummy Pig: Maybe we should try the garden.

Peppa Pig: Yes, the garden. I was going to say that.


be going to  〜するつもり(以前からそうするつもりがあった) 



Peppa Pig: Where is Mr Dinosaur?

Narrator: Mr Dinosaur is very hard to find.

Peppa Pig: Oh. Mr Dinosaur isn't anywhere.

Daddy Pig: George? You do love to throw Mr Dinosaur in the air.

Daddy Pig: I wonder if this time you threw Mr Dinosaur just a bit too high.

Peppa Pig: There he is. There he is. I saw him first.

Daddy Pig: Well done, Peppa.

Daddy Pig: You really are a very good detective.

George: Dinosaur. Grr.

Narrator: George is so happy to have Mr Dinosaur back again.

George: Whee.

Daddy Pig: Maybe it isn't a good idea to play with dinosaurs near trees.

George: Dinosaur.


I wonder if



I wonder if anyone can solve this problem.


 I wonder what happend.


I was wondering if you could help me.
