

【アニメで学ぶ英語】Peppa Pig Hide and Seek編 ep1-5

5. Hide and Seek



Narrator: Peppa and George are playing hide and seek.

Narrator: It is George's turn to hide.

Narrator: He must quickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting.

Peppa Pig: One... two... three... four... five... six... seven...

Narrator: George has found somewhere to hide.

Peppa Pig: Eight...

Narrator: Just in time.

Peppa Pig: Nine... ten... Ready or not.

Peppa Pig: Here I come.

Narrator: Peppa has to find where George is hiding.

Peppa Pig: Found you.

Narrator: Peppa has found George.

Peppa Pig: George, I could see you too easily.

hide and seek かくれんぼ



Will you find me my contact lens?(Will you find my contact lens for me? )



Where can I find beer?



Narrator: Now it is Peppa's turn to hide.

George: One... um... three.

Mummy Pig: I'll help George to count.

Mummy Pig: One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten.

Mummy Pig: Okay, George, open your eyes.

Narrator: George has to find where Peppa is hiding.

George: Oh.

Narrator: Peppa isn't hiding under the table.

Daddy Pig: George, have you thought of looking upstairs?

Narrator: Peppa isn't under the bed.

Narrator: What was that strange noise?

Narrator: Peppa isn't behind the curtain.

Narrator: There is that strange noise again.

Narrator: What can it be?

Peppa Pig: Whee!

Narrator: George has found where Peppa was hiding.

Peppa Pig: George found me.



 I'll help George to count.

will を使うことで、助ける意思を示している。

I'll help you. お手伝いしますよ



have you thought of looking upstairs? 



Peppa isn't behind the curtain.





Peppa Pig: Now it's Daddy's turn to hide.

Daddy Pig: Oh, I think George should have another turn.

Peppa Pig: But George isn't very good at hiding.

Daddy Pig: I'm sure he'll be better this time.

Daddy Pig: Close your eyes and start counting.

Peppa Pig: One... two... three...

Narrator: Oh, dear.

Narrator: Peppa will easily find George.

Peppa Pig: Four... five... six...

Daddy Pig: George! Come over here...

Peppa Pig: Seven... eight... nine... ten.

Peppa Pig: Ready or not, here I come.


 Ready or not, here I come.

準備はいい? 行くわよ 


Peppa Pig: Oh, George isn't hiding under the table.

Peppa Pig: But George always hides under the table.

Daddy Pig: Have you thought of looking upstairs?

Peppa Pig: I know where he is.

Peppa Pig: George is in the toy basket.

Peppa Pig: Oh.

Narrator: George is not in the toy basket.

Narrator: Where can he be?

Narrator: Peppa cannot find George anywhere.


Have you thought of looking upstairs?


think of doing  〜しようと思う 〜するつもりである


Where can he be? 



Peppa Pig: Daddy, I can't find George anywhere.

Daddy Pig: Oh, dear, I wonder where he can be.

Daddy Pig: Actually, I think there's something about George in this newspaper.

George: Whee...

Peppa Pig: George. Found you.

Mummy Pig: Oh, George. That was a good place to hide.

Narrator: George was hiding behind Daddy Pig's newspaper all the time.


Actually  実は

Actually, I was wondering if you could help me.



 I think there's something about George in this newspaper.



There’s something strange about our new neighbours. They never smile or say hello.
